It’s Been Too Long!
I swear… 2020 was the biggest clusterfuck in the world but you know what else? It also served some amazing lessons. My biggest one was in being more intentional about my energy. This is something that I talked about briefly over on my main site But it’s also really been eye-opening for me to think through what that looks like here, on this site.
Sewing has been one of the things that has brought me so much joy. I love being able to create something from nothing and have it be really functional. It just really does something to my spirit. But is it just going to stay a hobby or should this be a business?

This is the question I don’t know the answer too. I’m not sure if it’s my imposter syndrome or what but I really wonder if this could be something bigger than a hobby for me. I love creating. I even love making things for others once I get past the anxiety…
Getting into some updates
I have time to decide since I need my life to settle a little more…

It Never Fails That When You’re Ready To Move On Something, The Universe Pauses You
Friends, after 2020 I was really hoping for a smooth transition into 2021. But alas, smooth has yet to come. We got COVID 19 at the beginning of the year. We were lucky because either it was a mild strain or the non-stop stream of information on how to beat COVID was effective in how we treated it. Either way, we weren’t down for long.
Then February my oldest turned 11 (yay!!!) and we had an opportunity to settle before March 1 when my landlord told us we had 60 days to vacate the house we’ve been living in for almost 3 years. Fun times. So now we’re in the process of buying a house and getting moved in and we have less than 30 days to wrap this process up. But once that’s done, I have some serious goals for myself:
Finish my Pattern Making Course
I don’t know if this means I’ll be coming out with my own line of patterns or what but this is a skill I want to have mastered.
Blog Here Regularly
I love this space and community that I’ve created here on the Needle and the Belle and this is something that I want to continue to grow and foster. Like I want to be a force in the craft world.
Decide If This Is For Money Or Hobby
I need to make that decision so that I can really be intentional about the energy that I’m applying. In my head, I want to be the plus-size, Black version of MimiG.
Thanks for continuing to show up here even when I haven’t! 2021 is going to be the best year–just as soon as I get settled!
I am sending prayers your way that things will go as plan, also sending positive vibes out to you and your family that life will bring such joy and happiness with peace from above. As you know all things work for the good of Him and I know He is working in and through you.. Keep going and stay positive..
stay blessed..
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!
“In my head, I want to be the plus-size, Black version of MimiG”. I hear ya–i too want to move forward with launching a designer/teaching business. pandemic and raising a grandchild put brakes on my plans. i’m stoking my energy to at least plan and prepare. hopefully six months from now, i’ll be up and running. listen, the goal is worthy…go for it!!!
Yes yes yes!!! Make that happen boo! We can do it!
Im so happy to see that youve been named a Bernina ambassador! Good going, you!